Title: Toxic Medium: fic Rating: PG-13 Warnings: drinking, mentions of vomiting Summary: The night out with his brother and friends doesn't go as planned for Jon.
Author: clea2011 Fandoms: Atlantis H/C: Family, Runaways Title: Constellations Medium: Fic Rating: G Warnings: None Summary: Icarus wonders about his place in the world.
Title: Castles in the air Medium: Fic Rating: NC-17 Warnings: None Summary: Merlin was no royalist. Useless spongers, the lot of them as far as he was concerned. So he wasn't too pleased when he was forced to spend his summer work placement with the worst sponger and biggest waste of space of them
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Author: Fairyniamh Fandoms: Friday the 13th - The Series (T.V.) H/C: Serial Killer Title: Deadly Prayer (1028 words) by FairyNiamh Medium: fic Rating: PG Warnings: mentions cannibalism (not in detail) Summary: Micki is hunting for Leonarda's rosary before it can fall in the wrong hands... again
Title: Back to The Place Where I Belong Medium: fic Rating: Teen Warnings: Not Emily friendly Summary: It had been torture watching Cordell forced to be with Emily. Sure he put up a nice facade just like the rest of them did who knew the truth - the real truth - about
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Hi, friends! Thank you for participating in April Challenge. We are very excited to announce the final spring challenge of Round 11. Welcome to May Amnesty
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